Model SAT-225-400C 225-400MHz 6 dBic Gain Download Datasheet Download Manual Post Enquiry

SATCOM Ground Station Antenna

Design Features The SAT-225-400C is single mode UHF SATCOM antenna which is ideal for SATCOM On-The-Move (SOTM) operation. The SATCOM antenna can be used for communicating with satellites low on the horizon. SAT-225-400C can be used with most tactical Multi-Band, Multi-Mode Receivers (MBMMR), as well as all airborne and ground transceivers that accept 50 ohm antenna impedance.

The Antenna is highly suitable for SATCOM – Satellite high angle coverage and low angle air-to-air or air-to-ground communications.

SAT-225-400C SATCOM antenna features of a single port high angle (RHCP) and low angle antenna system that is suitable for installation on vehicular, shipboard and ground shelter applications. No diplexer or switching is required.

Electrical Specifications:
Frequency Range 225-400 MHz
Gain 6 dBic
Bandwidth 225-400MHz
Polarization RHCP
Input Impedance 50 Ohms
VSWR - Equal To or Better Then 1:2.5
RF Power Handling Capacity 100 Watts
Input Termination N-Female

Mechanical Specifications:
Antenna Materials 6063T6 Aluminum Alloy
Mounting Hardware -Materials Marine Grade Stainless Steel
Wind Rating 180 Km/Hr.
Overall Length 600 mm
Gross Weight 3.5 Kgs.

Environmental Specifications:
Operating Temperature (-) 30 to +70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Temperature (-) 40 to +80 Degrees Celsius
Humidity 0 to (% RH

SATCOM Ground Station Antenna

Model Frequency Gain Download PDF ENQ
SAT-225-400C 225-400MHz 6 dBic Gain
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Design Features The SAT-225-400C is single mode UHF SATCOM antenna which is ideal for SATCOM On-The-Move (SOTM) operation. The SATCOM antenna can be used for communicating with satellites low on the horizon. SAT-225-400C can be used with most tactical Multi-Band, Multi-Mode Receivers (MBMMR), as well as all airborne and ground transceivers that accept 50 ohm antenna impedance.

The Antenna is highly suitable for SATCOM – Satellite high angle coverage and low angle air-to-air or air-to-ground communications.

SAT-225-400C SATCOM antenna features of a single port high angle (RHCP) and low angle antenna system that is suitable for installation on vehicular, shipboard and ground shelter applications. No diplexer or switching is required.

Electrical Specifications:
Frequency Range 225-400 MHz
Gain 6 dBic
Bandwidth 225-400MHz
Polarization RHCP
Input Impedance 50 Ohms
VSWR - Equal To or Better Then 1:2.5
RF Power Handling Capacity 100 Watts
Input Termination N-Female

Mechanical Specifications:
Antenna Materials 6063T6 Aluminum Alloy
Mounting Hardware -Materials Marine Grade Stainless Steel
Wind Rating 180 Km/Hr.
Overall Length 600 mm
Gross Weight 3.5 Kgs.

Environmental Specifications:
Operating Temperature (-) 30 to +70 Degrees Celsius
Storage Temperature (-) 40 to +80 Degrees Celsius
Humidity 0 to (% RH